You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus - Mark Twain

Monday, December 7, 2009

A New Direction

I am taking the months of December, January and February to on work on personal projects. Somehow, I feel there is a disconnect with my professional work. I am working on two art projects and multiple photo projects, all self-commissioned. I am hoping that this will redirect my focus. Look for significant changes in the website in the coming weeks.

I suppose I am finding that the images I want to create and the images a client typically needs-or wants-are not necessarily the same thing. I am discovering (I think I knew all along) that I need to be creating fine art images, not offering my photography services to the general public.

It's an interesting thing-I go to the mall, and see those studios-you know the ones where your face is the size of a quarter and the image almost looks like it was shot as the fog was rolling in-such soft focus that it totally obliterates any detail or character in the person's face. And you know what I almost always see-a long line of people, waiting to get these images. They are photo mills, just churning out bad image after bad image. And people can't seem to get enough of them.

What's more interesting is that people I know have gone to these studios instead of coming to me...

I have been told that I get too close. That I need to step back. Not by a client, but by someone close to me. And I did, on a few recent shoots. I admit, I was pleasantly surprised by the results. It is true, you sometimes can't see the forest for the trees.

It taught me that I don't take enough chances, and that I should. But it also taught me that I need to stay true to myself and get close-and closer still. It's who I am.

I may or may not resume offering my services in the spring. I am not certain if I will have the interest or need to. I have so many images in my head, and I need to get them out.

It's time for a new direction.

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